The Cart

Edwin Ang
Apr 25, 2023


Keep moving before it catches up with you…

Photo by Stephen Hui on Unsplash

There’s a cart to pull
fuelled by sheer willpower.
Sometimes it’s enjoyable to pull it
other times it takes your soul

There’ll be a time
when the cart is still
Neither forward nor backwards
Seized in place

it’s fine if left untouched
but the consequences will be dire
Pull it at all costs
before it gets swallowed

Before it brings you down,
before it paralyses you,
before it traps you.

Keep moving before it catches up with you.

Going on foot is too slow
so protect your cart well
else you get stranded.

Remember to take a breather
then remember to keep moving.



Edwin Ang

Aspiring writer at large; always looking to tell the best stories with an insightful twist to it.