Scenes from the Antipode #2 | Descending Stairs

Edwin Ang
Feb 21, 2024


Photo by Mauro Lima on Unsplash

The space is dark, but it is not a room.

In front of you, there are a flight of stairs with 10 steps in between. They descend at a 90° angle to the left.

To your right is a square wall of a certain height accompanying every flight of stairs, its outline is visible in its entirety. In the middle of the wall, there is a lamp that softly illuminates the top and bottom surfaces of the wall with a warm hue.

It is completely open to your left. There are no handrails, just an open staircase greeted by a horizon of black.

From the top, you observe that the flight of stairs form an endless spiral; the lower flights of stairs fades into a blur.

You descend the staircase, akin to having a stroll in the park.



Edwin Ang

Aspiring writer at large; always looking to tell the best stories with an insightful twist to it.